The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa. Vol 1

The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa. Volume 1

This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original edition published by John Murray in London, 1874. This book is in English. This book contains 384 pages.

David Livingstone – Scottish missionary and explorer in Africa.

  • ISBN: 9780543678362
  • ISBN: 9780543678355


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SKU: 201016
  • Author(s): David Livingstone
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Product Description

The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death. Continued by a Narrative of His Last Moments and Sufferings, Obtained from His Faithful Servants, Chuma and Susi, by Horace Waller. Volume 1

The documented travel memories have always been an exception in the literature. This is due to the tone and the stories told and the manner of speaking. This unparalleled book of the doctor, missionary and explorer David Livingstone is an extraordinary piece. Not only because of its historical value, but because it sheds much light on what happened in that half of the 19th century and it’s so definitive for what happened afterwards.

The book covers Livingstone’s years spent in Africa. His evangelizing work in the colonies and his subsequent incursion to the north. He crosses the Kalahari Desert with his family, then sends it to Britain and goes into four years in the unexplored regions of Zambia. He crosses the continent from Angola to Mozambique and discovers the Victoria Falls.

His observations of flora and fauna and his adventures are narrated here. Above all his experiences with tribes that had never before seen a white man. He considers those people his brothers. Of course, in the book there is a lot of adventure and many curious anecdotes which makes it a must read writing.

In a still very slavish world, Livingstone represents a theoretical and practical attitude against this sign of barbarism. He does so precisely as a consequence of his Christian convictions. He wanted to make Christianity familiar to many tribes of South West Africa. He does this only with the method of persuasion and charity. Livingstone is the one who discovers for the rest of the world the Ngami Lake, the Zambezi River, the Victoria Falls. He is also the first Westerner that crosses the Kalahari Desert.

Reading this work makes you appreciate the figure of the Livingstone as an explorer of course, but also his figure as a defender of human rights, a tireless fighter against slavery, his humanitarian work. In short words, what a great man Livingstone was.

Free downloads of maps and table of contents of both volumes are available for those who wish to check the content, before placing an order.


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