
Book format: ePub. Elibron Classics. Digitized replica of 1891 edition by Houghton, Mifflin and Company, Boston and New York.

This is an illustrated edition. The edition comes with a PDF map available for download.
ISBN 9781402194856 paperback
ISBN 9781402121043 hardcover

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SKU: 92278
  • Subtitle: A history of the art of war among the Carthaginians and Romans down to the Battle of Pydna, 168 B.C., with a detailed account of the Second Punic War.
  • Author(s): Theodore Dodge.
  • ISBN: 9780543012852
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Product Description

Hannibal is often called the finest general the world has ever known. Setting out from Carthaginian-dominated Spain with a small army of select troops, he fought his way over the Pyrenees and crossed the Alps with elephants and a full baggage train. Theodore Dodge retraced this route from Carthage to Italy, paying particular attention to the famous crossing of the Alps, and wrote what remains unequalled as the most comprehensive and readable study of history’s greatest general.

Theodore Ayrault Dodge (May 28, 1842 – 1909) was an American officer and military historian. He fought as a Union officer in the American Civil War; as a writer, he was devoted to both the Civil War and the great generals of ancient and European history.


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