The Common Law
- Author: Oliver Wendell Holmes
- ISBN: 9781402166259
- ISBN: 9781402113789
- Book details: This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original edition published by Little, Brown, and Company in Boston, 1881. This book is in English. This book contains 440 pages.
- Edition: Elibron Classics
- Book ID: 10025254
Professionally a doctor and professor of anatomy at Harvard, Holmes also published numerous poems and essays. Best known among these are The Chambered Nautilus, a poem about natural growth and the human spirit, and The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, a collection of poetry and prose, both fiction and non-fiction. Holmes was a distinguished orator, poet, and essayist, typifying in the range of his intellectual accomplishments the refined intellect of his self-professed 'Brahmin' status.