Francisci Baconi de Verulamio Scripta in naturali et universali philosophia

  • Author: Francis Bacon
  • Englishman Francis Bacon was a talented statesman, philosopher, and essayist, dedicated to scientific and judicial study of knowledge and truth; yet, there was a time when he was accused, fined, and sentenced for taking bribes as a judge. He could often be heard trumpeting about man's right to master the natural world - and it was Bacon who coined the phrase "Knowledge is power," expressed in his most famous work, The Advancement of Knowledge. Bacon's refined ideas anticipated, among other things, aspects of John Stuart Mill's utilitarian philosophy.

  • ISBN: 9780543950390
  • ISBN: 9780543950383
  • Book details: This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original edition published by Henricum Wetstenium in Amstelædami, 1699. This book is in Latin. This book contains 413 pages.
  • Edition: Elibron Classics
  • Book ID: 10017488
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