Des Hugo Grotius drei Bücher über das Recht des Krieges und Friedens, in welchem das Natur- und Völkerrecht und das Wichtigste aus dem öffentlichen Recht erklärt werden. Aus dem lateinischen des Urtextes übersetzt… von J.H. v. Kirchmann. Band 2

  • Author: Hugo Grotius
  • Huig de Groot (Latinized Hugo Grotius) is widely acknowledged as the first writer on international law. His work De jure belli et pacis, which Grotius wrote after escaping Dutch imprisonment for suspected treason, commands general appreciation for its establishment of codes of conduct in war and promotion of peace. Grotius argued for nations' free use of oceans in Mare liberum, and argued against Calvinist doctrines in an essay on free will. His brilliance won him a significant diplomatic role in western Europe, where he was particularly involved with French and Swedish politics.

  • ISBN: 9780543699558
  • ISBN: 9780543699541
  • Book details: This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original edition published by L. Heimann in Berlin, 1869. This book is in German. This book contains 478 pages.
  • Edition: Elibron Classics
  • Book ID: 10058608
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