Der Mächtige Zauberer; Die Brautwahl. Zwei Theaterdichtungen für Musik. Entwurf einer neuen Aesthetik der Tonkunst
- Author: Ferruccio Busoni
- ISBN: 9781421246383
- ISBN: 9781421246376
- Book details: This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original edition published by C. Schmidl & Co. in Triest, 1907. This book is in German. This book contains 122 pages.
- Edition: Elibron Classics
- Book ID: 10017382
A child prodigy eventually forced to make his living as a teacher, Ferruccio Busoni was continually frustrated in his efforts to find success as a composer. Noted for his ability to teach composition, Busoni counted among his students such future luminaries as Kurt Weill and Edgard Varèse. In his book The New Esthetic of Music, Busoni made a series of astonishingly accurate predictions about the paths avant-garde composers would take in the coming century.