Oeuvres de Dante Alighieri. La divine comédie. Traduction de A. Brizeux. La vie nouvelle. Traduction de E.-J. Delécluze

  • Author: Dante Alighieri
  • When Dante Alighieri chose Italian as the language for his Divine Comedy, he changed Western literature by bringing the poetry of the vates (divinely inspired seer poets) to the lay people. Most poetry before had been written in Latin for the clergy, and Dante's decision to write in Italian brought the language of the vulgar to the poetry of the divine. Along with his courtly love poetry, inspired by his profound obsession with his muse Beatrice, the three volumes of the Divine Comedy made Italian the literary language of Europe for several hundred years, and marked Dante as the most important author of his time.

  • ISBN: 9780543663047
  • ISBN: 9780543663030
  • Book details: This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original edition published by Charpentier et Cie in Paris, 1872. This book is in French. This book contains 593 pages.
  • Edition: Elibron Classics
  • Book ID: 10047733
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