Dictionaries & Thesauri
Showing 1–12 of 198 results
Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms. Used in Architecture, Civil, Architecture, Naval, Building and Construction, Early and Ecclesiastical Art, Engineering, Civil, Engineering, Mechanical, Fine Art, Mining, Surveying, etc
Devises, cris de guerre, légendes, dictons
A Dictionary of Napoleon and His Times. By Hubert N. B. Richardson. With maps, plans, a chronological table and a classified bibliography
A Dictionary of English Etymology
Dictionnaire historique, littéraire et statistique des départemens du Mont-Blanc et du Léman. Contenant l’Histoire ancienne et moderne de la Savoie, Tome 3
Dictionnaire historique, littéraire et statistique des départemens du Mont-Blanc et du Léman. Contenant l’Histoire ancienne et moderne de la Savoie, Tome 2
Dictionnaire historique, littéraire et statistique des départemens du Mont-Blanc et du Léman. Contenant l’Histoire ancienne et moderne de la Savoie, Tome 1
Dictionary of the Jatki or Western Panjábi Language
Dictionnaire patois-français à l’usage du département du Tarn, et des départements circonvoisins
Zur Geschichte und Beurtheilung der Fremdwörter im Deutschen. Von August Fuchs
The Slang Dictionary; or, The Vulgar Words, Street Phrases, and ‘Fast’ Expressions of High and Low Society. Many with their etymology, and a few with their history traced
A Dictionary of Latin and Greek Quotations, Proverbs, Maxims and Mottos, Classical and Mediæval. Including Law Terms and Phrases. Edited by H.T. Riley
Showing 1–12 of 198 results