Le socialisme devant le vieux monde, ou Le vivant devant les morts. Suivi de Jésus-Christ devant les conseils de guerre par Victor Meunier
Vie de l’oncle Tom. Précédée d’une préface par H. Beecher-Stowe. Traduction de E. Delauney
Ro?liny pokarmowe w ró?nych krajach
La révolution de février au Luxembourg
On Representative Government and Personal Representation. Based in Part upon Thomas Hare’s Treatise, Entitled ‘The Election of Representatives, Parliamentary and Municipal’
L’Amérique devant l’Europe. Principes et intérèts
L’association ouvrière industrielle et agricole
Ammunition. A Descriptive Treatise on the Different Projectiles, Charges, Fuzes, Rockets, &c., at Present in Use for Land and Sea Service, and on Other War Stores Manufactured in the Royal Laboratory
The Expedition of the Jimmy-John Twins. Illustrated by Sarah Noble Ives
Elementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral Calculus
Practical Boat Building for Amateurs. Containing Full Instruction for Designing and Building Punts, Skiffs, Canoes, Sailing Boats, etc. Illustrated with Working Diagrams
Podr?cznik do nauki zoologii. Dr. J. E. Boas. W opracowaniu dr. zoologii Józefa Nusbauma. Zeszyt 10
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