Our Journal in the Pacific. By the officers of H.M.S. Zealous. Arranged and edited by Lieutenant S. Eardley-Wilmot
The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man. Mental and social condition of savages
Egypt and the Egyptian Question
Life of Tobias George Smollett
Life of Frederick Marryat
A History of Ancient Geography
Journal of a Deputation Sent to the East by the Committee of the Malta Protestant College, in 1849. Containing an account of the present state of the Oriental nations, including their religion, learning, education, customs, and occupations. Part 2
A History of the Gipsies. With specimens of the Gipsy language. Edited with preface, introduction, and notes, and a disquisition on the past, present and future of gipsydom, by James Simson
Life in India. A series of sketches showing something of the Anglo-Indian – the land he lives in – and the people among whom he lives
Folklore as an Historical Science
Australia. The country and its inhabitants
Fifty Years’ Reminiscences of India. A Retrospect of Travel, Adventure and Shikar
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