The Life of Paracelsus, Theophrastus von Hohenheim. 1493-1541
The Northern Barrier of India. A popular account of the Jummoo and Kashmir territories
Travels and Researches in Crete. Volume 2
Travels and Researches in Crete. Volume 1
Relaciones de P. Teixeira d’el origen, descendencia y succession de los Reyes de Persia y de Harmuz. Y de un viage hecho por el mismo autor dende la India Oriental hasta Italia por tierra
A Survey of the Turkish Empire
Voyage du capitaine Maxwell, commandant l’Alceste. Sur la mer Jaune, le long des côtes de la Corée, et dans les îles de Liou-tchiou […]
Voyage en Turcomanie et à Khiva, fait en 1819 et 1820. Contenant le journal de son voyage, le récit de la mission dont il était chargé … Tr. du russe par M.G. Lecointe de Laveau …revue par MM. J.B. Eyriès et J. Klaproth
A Tour to Sheeraz, by the Route of Kazroon and Feerozabad. With various remarks on the manners, customs, laws, language and literature of the Persians, to which is added a history of Persia, from the death of Kureem Khan to the subversion of the Zund Dyna
Rambles in the Deserts of Syria and among the Turkomans and Bedaweens
Danish Greenland, Its People and Its Products. Edited by Dr. Robert Brown
The Ottomans in Europe. Or, Turkey in the present crisis, with the secret societies’ maps
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