
Book of Indian Eras. With Tables for Calculating Indian Dates

Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 2. Parte 2

Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 2. Parte 1

Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 1. Parte 2

Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 1. Parte 1

The Lady, or the Tiger?. And Other Stories

Narrative of an Expedition from Tripoli in Barbary, to the Western Frontier of Egypt, in 1817, by the Bey of Tripoli; in Letters to Dr. Viviani of Genoa. With an Appendix, containing instructions for navigating the Great Syrtis. Translated from the Italia

On the Weapons, Army Organisation, and Political Maxims of the Ancient Hindus. With Special Reference to Gunpowder and Firearms

The Coins of the Ancient Britons. Supplement

The North-Western Provinces of India. Their History, Ethnology, and Administration

Notice sur Alger

Relation de l’arrivée dans la rade d’Alger du vaisseau de Sa Majesté la Provence. Sous les ordres de m. le comte De La Brettonnière, commandant les forces navales de roi dans ces parages
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