
La paix de Paris, est-elle une paix solide?. Par un ancien diplomate

The World in Miniature. Russia. Being a Description of the Character, Manners, Customs, Dress, Diversions, and Other Peculiarities of the Different Nations, Inhabiting the Russian Empire. Edited by Frederic Shoberl. Volume 2

Letters from a Lady, Who Resided Some Years in Russia, to Her Friend in England. With Historical Notes

The Mystery of Life. An Essay in Reply to Dr. Gull’s Attack on the Theory of Vitality in His Harveian Oration for 1870

Are the Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited?. An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin

The Struggle for Sea Power. From the American War to Waterloo. 1745-1815

Nordost til øst. Skitser fra Rusland og Finland

The Crime of the Congo

Antisemiten-Katechismus. Eine Zusammenfassung des wichtigsten Materials zum Verständniss der Judenfrage

Il viaggio in Oriente di S. M. Francesco Giuseppe I, imperatore d’Austria, re d’Ungheria. Col pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa ed un’escursione nell’alto Egitto

Chaucer and His Times

The World in Miniature. Austria. Containing a Description of the Manners, Customs, Character, and Costumes of the People of that Empire.Edited by Frederic Shoberl.Volume1
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