
The World in Miniature. Persia. Containing a Brief Description of the Country; and an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customs, Arts, Amusements, &c. of Its Inhabitants.Edited by Frederic Shoberl. Volume 3

The World in Miniature. Persia. Containing a Brief Description of the Country; and an Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customs, Arts, Amusements, &c. of Its Inhabitants. Edited by Frederic Shoberl. Volume 2

The World in Miniature. Persia. Containing a Brief Description of the Country; and Account of Its Government, Laws, and Religion, and of the Character, Manners and Customs, Arts, Amusements, &c. of Its Inhabitants. Edited by Frederic Shoberl. Volume 1

Round about the North Pole

The Great Siberian Railway from St. Petersburg to Pekin

A History of Devonshire. With Sketches of Its Leading Worthies

Sydamerika. Kampen om guld och silver 1498-1600

Calderon de la Barka. Estudio de las obras de este insigne poeta, consagrado á su memoria en el segundo centenario de su muerte


A Camera Crusade through the Holy Land. With one hundred photographic illustrations

Der Höhencultus asiatischer und europäischer Völker. Eine ethnologische Studie

Immigration and Its Effects upon the United States
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