
Politician, Party and People. Addresses Delivered in the Page Lecture Series, 1912, before the Senior Class of the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University

The Book of the Simple Way of Laotze. A New Translation from the Text of the Tao-Teh-King. With Introduction and Commentary by Walter Gorn Old

Story of the Battle of Waterloo

Narrative of an Excursion to the Mountains of Piemont, in the Year 1823. And Researches among the Vaudois, or Waldenses, Protestant Inhabitants of the Cottian Alps

Essays and Addresses on Economic Questions. (1865-1893)

Heidelberg. Its Princes and Its Palaces. By Elizabeth Godfrey [pseud.]

A Contribution to the Medical History of Our West African Campaigns

The Population of the Polish Commonwealth. By Arthur E. Gurney ; With a Preface by Ludwik Janowski

Pierce Penniless’s Supplication to the Devil. From the First Edition of 1592, Compared with Later Impressions. With Introductions and Notes, by J. Payne Collier

An Introduction to Town Planning. A Handbook Dealing with the Principles of the Subject and a Consideration of the Problems Involved, Powers of Local Authorities, &c. By Julian Julian. With Appendices on Garden Cities and Garden Suburbs, Schedule of Town

Imagination and Its Place in Education

The Staple Trades of the Empire. By Various Writers. The Imperial Studies Series. Edited by Arthur Percival Newton
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