
Voyages et Mémoires de Maurice-Auguste, Comte de Benyowsky. Contenant ses opérations militaires en Pologne, son exil au Kamchatka, son évasion et son voyage à travers l’Océan pacifique, au Japon, à Formose, à Canton en Chine. Tome 1

History of Bokhara from the Earliest Period down to the Present. Composed for the First Time after Oriental Known and Unknown Historical Manuscripts

Incidents of Travel in the Russian and Turkish Empires. Volume 1

Incidents of Travel in the Russian and Turkish Empires. Volume 2

Personal Adventures and Excursions in Georgia, Circassia, and Russia. Volume 2

Personal Adventures and Excursions in Georgia, Circassia, and Russia. Volume 1

Travels in the Caucasus and Georgia. Performed in the years 1807 and 1808, by command of the Russian government

Personal Narrative of a Journey from India to England, by Bussorah, Bagdad, the Ruins of Babylon, Curdistan, the Court of Persia, the Western Shore of the Caspian Sea, Astrakhan, Nishney Novogorod, Moscow, and St. Petersburgh: in the Year 1824

From Pekin to Calais by Land

Notes upon Russia. Being a Translation of the Earliest Account of that Country. Translated and edited, with notes and an introduction, by R.H. Major. Volume 2

Notes upon Russia. Being a Translation of the Earliest Account of that Country. Translated and edited, with notes and an introduction, by R.H. Major. Volume 1

Travels in Circassia, Krim Tartary. Including a Steam Voyage down the Danube, from Vienna to Constantinople and round the Black Sea, in 1836. Volume 1
Showing 421–432 of 452 results