Showing 325–336 of 584 results
Il Paradiso degli Alberti. Ritrovi e ragionamenti del 1389. Romanzo di Giovanni da Prato dal codice autografo e anonimo della Riccardiana. A cura di Alessandro Wesselofsky. Tomo 1. Parte 2
Il Paradiso degli Alberti. Ritrovi e ragionamenti del 1389. Romanzo di Giovanni da Prato dal codice autografo e anonimo della Riccardiana. A cura di Alessandro Wesselofsky. Volume 1. Parte 1
Musical Dictionary. The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. W. L. Hubbard, editor
The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. Musical Instruments. With introduction by Frederick Stock; W.L. Hubbard, editor in chief
The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. Operas. Volume 1. With introduction by H. E. Krehbiel; W. L. Hubbard, editor in chief
Dictionnaire de la danse historique, théorique, pratique et bibliographique, depuis l’origine de la danse jusqu’à nos jours. Avec préface de Ch. Nuitter
Le livre d’or du Salon de peinture et de sculpture, 1889. Catalogue descriprtif des uvres récompensées et des principales uvres hors concours. Rédigé par Georges Lafenestre et orné de quatorze planches à l’eau-forte
The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge. For the Year 1843
Natural History in Shakespeare’s Time. Being Extracts illustrative of the Subject as he knew it
Dictionary of National Biography. Supplement. Edited by Sidney Lee. Volume 1. Abbott – Childers
Showing 325–336 of 584 results