Showing 433–444 of 977 results
George the Third, His Court and Family. Volume 1
Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg. From the Earliest accounts, to the death of Frederic I, King of Prussia. To which are added four dissertations… The whole written by the present King of Prussia
Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters
Talks of Napoleon at St. Helena with General Baron Gourgaud, together with the Journal Kept by Gourgaud on Their Journey from Waterloo to St. Helena. Translated, and with Notes, by Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer
Queen Victoria
Le Dernier des Napoléon
Pie IX. Sa vie – son règne. L’homme, le prince, le pape
Biographies by Lord Macaulay Contributed to the Encyclopædia Britannica. With Notes of His Connection with Edinburgh, and Extracts from His Letters and Speeches
The Life of Maximilien Robespierre. With Extracts from His Unpublished Correspondence
Vie du prince Potemkin, feld-maréchal au service de Russie sous le règne de Catherine II. Rédigée d’après les meilleurs ouvrages allemands et français qui ont paru sur la Russie à cette époque
Mary Queen of Scots, from Her Birth to Her Flight into England. A Brief Biography: with Critical Notes, a Few Documents hitherto Unpublished, and an Itinerary
The Life and Letters of Madame Bonaparte
Showing 433–444 of 977 results