Elibron Classics Books. Books on Photography.
Showing 1–12 of 14 results
Color Standards and Color Nomenclature
The ‘Indispensable Handbook’ to the Optical Lantern. A Complete Cyclopædia on the Subject of Optical Lanterns, Slides, and Accessory Apparatus. Compiled and Edited by Walter D. Welford, and Henry Sturmey
Photography with Emulsions. A Treatise on the Theory and Practical Working of the Collodion and Gelatine Emulsion Processes
Instruction in Photography
La photochromie. Tirage d’épreuves photographiques en couleurs. Par le Cte E. Ogonowski
A Manual of the Carbon Process of Permanent Photography, and Its Use in Making Enlargements, &c. Translated from the Sixth (Revised) German Edition by R. B. Marston
Practical Guide to Photographic & Photo-Mechanical Printing
Handbuch der Photographie für Amateure und Touristen. Band I. Die photographischen Apparate. Dargestellt für Amateure und Touristen von Giuseppe Pizzighelli
The Lantern-Slide Manual
The Optics of Photography and Photographic Lenses
The Chemistry of Photography
La photographie appliquée a l’arhéologie. Reproduction des monuments, uvres d’art, mobilier, inscriptions, manuscrits
Showing 1–12 of 14 results