Elibron Classics Books. Books on Philosophy.
Showing 1–12 of 1591 results
The Moral and Historical Works of Lord Bacon, Including His Essays, Apophthegms, Wisdom of the Ancients, New Atlantis, and Life of Henry the Seventh. With an Introductory Dissertation, and Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Historical. By Joseph Devey
Instinct and Reason; or, The First Principles of Human Knowledge. By Sir George Ramsay
The Queen of the Air
The Man of To-morrow. Human Evolution Impelling Man onward to God-Consciousness
Essays: Moral, Political and Æsthetic
Die physikalischen Axiome und ihre Beziehung zum Causalprincip. Ein Capitel aus einer Philosophie der Naturwissenschaften. Von Wilhelm Wundt
La lutte pour l’existence
Variétés philosophiques
Essai sur les écoles philosophiques chez les arabes et notamment sur la doctrine d’Algazzali
The Potter’s Wheel
The Way of Contentment. Translated from the Japanese of Kaibara Ekken by Ken Hoshino
Showing 1–12 of 1591 results