Painting & Drawing
Showing 73–84 of 192 results
Reale Galleria di Firenze Illustrata. Serie 3. Ritratti di pittori. Volume 3
Reale Galleria di Firenze Illustrata. Serie 3. Ritratti di pittori. Volume 2
Reale Galleria di Firenze Illustrata. Serie 3. Ritratti di pittori. Volume 1
Reale Galleria di Firenze Illustrata. Serie 2. Quadri di vario genere
Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art in and near London. With Critical, Historical, and Biographical Notices of the Painters and Pictures
The Elements of Perspective: Illustrated by Numerous Examples and Diagrams
A System of Water Colour Painting. Being a Complete Exposition of the Present Advanced State of the Art, as Exhibited in the Works of the Modern Water Colour School
Hints for Sketching in Water-Colour from Nature
A Guide to Animal Drawing. For the Use of Landscape Painters
Sull’arte pittorica e sulle attuali dottrine della medesima
Histoire de la caricature et du grotesque dans la littérature et dans l’art. Précédée d’une notice par Amédée Pichot et illustrée de 238 gravures intercalées dans le texte
The Art of England. Lectures given in Oxford
Showing 73–84 of 192 results