Showing 289–300 of 9509 results
Récits de la captivité de l’Empereur Napoléon à Saint-Hélène. Tome 2
Récits de la captivité de l’Empereur Napoléon à Saint-Hélène. Tome 1
Historic New York. Being the Second Series of the Half Moon Papers. Edited by Maud Wilder Goodwin, Alice Carrington Royce, Ruth Putnam and Eva Palmer Brownell
Historic New York. Being the First Series of the Half Moon Papers. Edited by Maud Wilder Goodwin, Alice Carrington Royce, Ruth Putnam
Memoir of a Brother
Shakesperiana. A Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakespeare’s Plays, and of the Commentaries and Other Publications Illustrative of His Works
A Catalogue of the Shakespeare-Study Books in the Immediate Library of J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps
Index to the World’s Greatest Literature. Comprising a Summary of the Series, a General Index, a Subject Index, an Index of Authors, and a Chronological Index. Compiled by an Editorial Corps of Expert Indexers
Les soliloques, le manuel et les méditations de Saint Augustin. Traduction nouvelle, revue très-exactement sur le latin
The Barrington-Bernard Correspondence and Illustrative Matter, 1760-1770. Drawn from the ‘Papers of Sir Francis Bernard’ (Sometime Governor of Massachusetts-Bay) ; Edited by Edward Channing , and Archibald Cary Coolidge
Mémoire de Marie Caroline, reine de Naples. Intitulé de la Révolution du royaume de Sicile par un témoin oculaire Publié pour la première fois, avec introduction, notes critiques, et deux facsimilés. Par R. M. Johnston
Early English Romances in Verse. Done into Modern English by Edith Rickert: Romances of Love
Showing 289–300 of 9509 results