The Marquess Cornwallis
Warren Hastings and the Founding of the British Administration
The Discovery and Geognosy of Gold Deposits in Australia. With comparisons and accounts of the gold regions in California, Russia, India, Brazil, &c. Including a philosophical disquisition on the origin of gold in placer-deposits and in quartz-veins
The Government of India, Being a Digest of the Statute Law Relating thereto. With Historical Introduction and Explanatory Matter
Reminiscences of Syria, and Fragments of a Journal and Letters from the Holy Land. Volume 2
Reminiscences of Syria, and Fragments of a Journal and Letters from the Holy Land. Volume 1
Personal Adventures and Excursions in Georgia, Circassia, and Russia. Volume 2
Personal Adventures and Excursions in Georgia, Circassia, and Russia. Volume 1
Travels in European Turkey, in 1850. Through Bosnia, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thrace, Albania, and Epirus; with a Visit to Greece and the Ionian Isles. And a Homeward Tour through Hungary and the Slavonian Provinces of Austria on the Lower Danube. Vol
Travels in European Turkey, in 1850. Through Bosnia, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thrace, Albania, and Epirus; with a Visit to Greece and the Ionian Isles. And a Homeward Tour through Hungary and the Slavonian Provinces of Austria on the Lower Danube. Vol
A Narrative of the March and Operations of the Army of the Indus, in the Expedition to Affghanistan in the Years 1838-1839
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