
History of Australia. Volume 3

Six Years in Italy. Volume 1

Cretan Sketches

Our Administration of India. Being a complete account of the Revenue and Collectorate Administration in all departments, with special reference to the work and duties of a district officer in Bengal

The Coming Power. A contemporary history of the Far East, 1898-1905

The Naval Operations of the War between Great Britain and the United States. 1812-1815

Things Korean. A collection of sketches and anecdotes, missionary and diplomatic

Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White. Volume 2

Alaska, the Great Country

Korea and Her Neighbours. A Narrative of Travel, with an Account of the Recent Vicissitudes and Present Position of the Country. With a Preface by Sir Walter C. Hillier

Voyages et Mémoires de Maurice Auguste, Comte de Benyowsky. Contenant ses opérations militaires en Pologne, son exil au Kamchatka, son évasion et son voyage à travers l’Océan pacifique, au Japon, à Formose, à Canton en Chine. Tome 2

Voyages et Mémoires de Maurice-Auguste, Comte de Benyowsky. Contenant ses opérations militaires en Pologne, son exil au Kamchatka, son évasion et son voyage à travers l’Océan pacifique, au Japon, à Formose, à Canton en Chine. Tome 1
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