Showing 9997–10008 of 12900 results
La préservation de la propriété funéraire dans l’ancienne Égypte
Shakespere’s Holinshed. The Chronicle and the Historical Plays Compared
A History of Education before the Middle Ages
Espagne et Portugal
Études critiques sur les sources de l’Histoire Mérovingienne. Partie 2. La compilation dite de “Frédégaire”, texte
Études critiques sur les sources de l’histoire mérovingienne. Partie 1. Introduction – Grégoire de Tours – Marius d’Avenches
The Chartulary of Brinkburn Priory
Three Early Assize Rolls for the county of Northumberland, Sæc. XIII
Cartularium Prioratus de Gyseburne, Ebor. Dioeceseos ordinis S. Augustini, fundati A.D. MCXIX. Volumen alterum
Cartularium Prioratus de Gyseburne, Ebor. Dioeceseos ordinis S. Augustini, fundati A.D. MCXIX. Volumen primum
A Volume of English Miscellanies Illustrating the History and Language of the Northern Counties of England
Churchwardens’ Accounts of Pittington and Other Parishes in the Diocese of Durham from A.D. 1580 to 1700
Showing 9997–10008 of 12900 results