Showing 4129–4140 of 7313 results
Éphémérides polonaises. Juillet, août et septembre 1863
Éphémérides polonaises. Avril, mai et juin 1863
Pie IX. Sa vie – son règne. L’homme, le prince, le pape
The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands. Translated from a Spanish Manuscript, Lately Found in the Island of Palma. With an Enquiry into the Origin of the Ancient Inhabitants… by George Glas
Stuart Tracts. 1603 – 1693. With an Introduction by C. H. Firth
Charlotte Robespierre et ses mémoires. Édition critique précédée d’une introduction, accompagnée de notes et de documents nouveaux ou inédits tirés des Archives Nationales
Lettres à Émilie, sur la mythologie. Partie 1-2
Les coulisses du Vatican
The Pictorial History of England during the Reign of George the Third: Being a History of the People, as well as a History of a Kingdom. Illustrated with Several Hundred Woodcuts. Volume 2
La France et la Prusse responsables devant l’Europe
The Life of Maximilien Robespierre. With Extracts from His Unpublished Correspondence
Showing 4129–4140 of 7313 results