Showing 3469–3480 of 7313 results
Notae Latinae. An Account of Abbreviation in Latin Mss. of the Early Minuscule Period (c. 700 – 850)
An Inquiry into the Authenticity of Certain Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments, Published Dec. 24, MLCCXCV, and attributed to Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of Southampton
Ancient Spanish Ballads; Historical and Romantic. Translated with Notes by J. G. Lockhart
Die Nationalliteratur der Skandinavier. Eine prosaische und poetische Antologie aus den besten nordischen Schriftstellern, mit erläuternden, kritischen und biographischen Notizen. Herausgegeben von Dr. A. E. Wollheim. Band 1: Die altnordische Literatur
Eductus Rotari. Studier vedrørende Langobardernes Nationalitet
Historical and Miscellaneous Questions, for the Use of Young People. With a Selection of British, and General Biography, &c. &c
Le Roman du Renard. Mis en vers d’après les textes originaux. Précédé d’une Introduction et d’une Bibliographie par Ch. Potvin
The History of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second. Designed as a Continuation of Mr. Hume’s History. In Four Volumes. Volume 4
The History of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second. Designed as a Continuation of Mr. Hume’s History. In Four Volumes. Volume 3
The History of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second. Designed as a Continuation of Mr. Hume’s History. In Four Volumes. Volume 2
The History of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second. Designed as a Continuation of Mr. Hume’s History. In Four Volumes. Volume 1
Germany in War Time. What an American Girl Saw and Heard
Showing 3469–3480 of 7313 results