Showing 145–156 of 4686 results
Deutscher Kolonial-Kalender für das Jahr 1896. Nach amtlichen Quellen bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Gustav Meinecke. Jahrgang 8. 1896
Kinderlieder und Kinderspiele aus dem Vogtlande. Eingeleitet durch einen Vortrag: über volksthümliche Kinderpoesie. Von Dr. Hermann Dunger
The Popular Songs of Ireland. Collected and Edited, with Introductions and Notes
Fairy Tales, Now First Collected. To which are prefixed two dissertations: 1. On Pygmies. 2. On Fairies
The Houses of Lancaster and York with the Conquest and Loss of France
Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 2. Parte 2
Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 2. Parte 1
Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 1. Parte 2
Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 1. Parte 1
Nationalité française. Par Charles Didier
An Historical Inquiry into the Principal Circumstances and Events Relative to the Late Emperor Napoleon. In which are investigated the charges brought against the government and conduct of that eminent Individual
Showing 145–156 of 4686 results