
Travels in Asia Minor and Greece. A New Edition, with Corrections and Remarks by Nicholas Revett, Esq. To Which is Prefixed an Introductory Account of the Author, by Ralph Churton. Volume 1

The Land of the Nile Springs. Being chiefly an account of how we fought Kabarega

A Tour to and from Venice, by the Vaudois and the Tyrol

Auvergne and Its People

Indian Reminiscences. Or, The Bengal Moofussul Miscellany. Chiefly Written by the Late G. A. Addison

Mexico of the Twentieth Century. Volume 2

First Footsteps in East Africa, or, an Exploration of Harar. Volume 1

Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, the Countries Adjoining the Mountain-Course of the Indus, and the Himalaya, North of the Panjab. Volume 2

Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, the Countries Adjoining the Mountain-Course of the Indus, and the Himalaya, North of the Panjab. Volume 1

The Courts of Europe at the Close of the Last Century. Edited by Charles White. Volume 2

The Courts of Europe at the Close of the Last Century. Edited by Charles White. Volume 1

The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death. Continued by a Narrative of His Last Moments and Sufferings, Obtained from His Faithful Servants, Chuma and Susi, by Horace Waller. Volume 2
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