Biography & Memoir
Showing 2533–2544 of 3667 results
Life of Jane Austen
Madame de Warens et J.-J. Rousseau. Etude historique et critique
The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Forces, during the War Which Established the Independence of His Country, and First President of the United States. Volume 5
Recollections of a Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the Years 1844, 1845, and 1846
Original Letters, Illustrative of English History; Including Numerous Royal Letters: from Autographs in the British Museum, the State Paper Office, and One or Two Other Collections. With notes and illustrations by Henry Ellis. Third Series. Volume 3
Original Letters, Illustrative of English History; Including Numerous Royal Letters: from Autographs in the British Museum, the State Paper Office, and One or Two Other Collections. With notes and illustrations by Henry Ellis. Third Series. Volume 1
Mémoires du cardinal Pacca, sur la captivité du Pape Pie VII, et le concordat de 1813, pour servir à l’histoire du règne de Napoléon. Traduits de l’italien sur la troisième édition, et augmentés des pièces authentiques déposées au Vatican. Par L. Bellague
Mémoires du cardinal Pacca, sur la captivité du Pape Pie VII, et le concordat de 1813, pour servir à l’histoire du règne de Napoléon. Traduits de l’italien sur la troisième édition, et augmentés des pièces authentiques déposées au Vatican. Par L. Bellague
The Collected Works of Theodore Parker. Volume 12. Autobiographical and Miscellaneous Pieces
Original Letters, Illustrative of English History; Including Numerous Royal Letters: from Autographs in the British Museum, the State Paper Office, and One or Two Other Collections. With notes and illustrations by Henry Ellis. Third Series. Volume 2
Showing 2533–2544 of 3667 results