Biography & Memoir
Showing 1885–1896 of 3667 results
Frau v. Krüdener. Ein Zeitgemälde
Oliver Goldsmith. A biography. With an introduction and notes by Willis Boughton. (The Riverside Literature Series ; ¹ 155)
The Life and Letters of Madame Bonaparte
Pierre le Grand en Hollande et à Zaandam, dans les années 1697 et 1717. Ouvrage puisé a des sources authentiques, et dédié (en 1863) à sa majesté la reine-mère
Life, Letters, and Journals of Lord Byron. Complete in one volume. With notes
Posthumous Memoirs of His Own Time. Volume 3
Posthumous Memoirs of His Own Time. Volume 2
Posthumous Memoirs of His Own Time. Volume 1
Le comte de Bismarck et sa suite pendant la guerre de France 1870-1871
A Personal Narrative of the Siege of Lucknow from its Commencement to its relief by Sir Colin Campbell
Life of Oliver Cromwell
The Life and Reign of William the Fourth. Volume 2
Showing 1885–1896 of 3667 results