Biography & Memoir
Showing 1837–1848 of 3667 results
La vie et l’uvre de Platon. Tome 1
Mémoires sur la chevalière d’Éon. La vérité sur les mystères de sa vie, d’après des documents authentiques, suivis de douze lettres inédites de Beaumarchais
Madame de Pompadour et la cour de Louis XV au milieu du dix-huitième siècle. Ouvrage suivi du Catalogue des tableaux originaux, des dessins et miniatures vendus après la mort de madame de Pompadour, du cataloque des objets d’art et de curiosité du marquis
Le roman d’un royaliste sous la Révolution. Souvenirs du comte de Virieu
Half-hours with the Best Authors. With Short Biographical and Critical Notices. Volume 6
Half-hours with the Best Authors. With Short Biographical and Critical Notices. Volume 5
Half-hours with the Best Authors. With Short Biographical and Critical Notices. Volume 4
Half-hours with the Best Authors. With Short Biographical and Critical Notices. Volume 3
Half-hours with the Best Authors. With Short Biographical and Critical Notices. Volume 2
Mémoire et récits de François Chéron. Publiés avec lettres inédites des principaux écrivains de la Restauration par F. Hervé-Bazin
Memoir of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. With Specimens of His Poetry and Letters, and an Estimate of His Genius and Talents, Compared with Those of His Great Contemporaries. Volume 2
Memoir of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. With Specimens of His Poetry and Letters, and an Estimate of His Genius and Talents, Compared with Those of His Great Contemporaries. Volume 1
Showing 1837–1848 of 3667 results