Biography & Memoir
Showing 1813–1824 of 3667 results
James Russel Lowell
D’Essling à Wagram. Lasalle. Correspondance recueillie par Robinet de Cléry
Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg. From the Earliest accounts, to the death of Frederic I, King of Prussia. To which are added four dissertations… The whole written by the present King of Prussia
The Life of Goethe
Mémoires politiques et correspondance diplomatique de J. de Maistre. Avec explications et commentaires historiques par Albert Blanc
Robert Owen, and His Social Philosophy
John Knox and the Church of England. His Work in her Pulpit and his Influence upon her Liturgy, Articles, and Parties. A Monograph Founded upon Several Important Papers of Knox never before Published
Discorsi di Luigi Cornaro. Intorno alla Vita Sobria
Le général Colson, sa mission en Russie et son voyage au Caucase
Mémoires de mon temps
The Works of Lord Byron. Letters and Journals. A New, Revised and Enlarged Edition, with Illustrations. Edited by Rowland E. Prothero. Volume 6
Showing 1813–1824 of 3667 results