Biography & Memoir
Showing 1789–1800 of 3667 results
Dansk biografisk lexikon, tillige omfattende Norge for tidsrummet 1537 – 1814. Bind 7. I.Hansen – Holmsted
Dansk biografisk lexikon, tillige omfattende Norge for tidsrummet 1537 – 1814. Bind 5. Faaborg – Gersdorff
Dansk biografisk lexikon, tillige omfattende Norge for tidsrummet 1537 – 1814. Bind 1. Aaberg – Beaumelle
Description de l’Hôtel impérial des Invalides, du Tombeau de Napoléon Ier et du char funèbre de Sainte-Hélène
When Knighthood was in Flower, or The Love Story of Charles Brandon and Mary Tudor, the King’s Sister, and Happening in the Reign of his August Majesty, King Henry VIII
A Peasant Sage of Japan. The Life and Work of Sontoku Ninomiya. Translated from ‘The Hôtokuki’ by Yoshimoto Tadasu
The Diary of a Superfluous Man, and Other Stories
Die Lebensgeschichte des großen Königs Friedrich von Preußen. Theil 1
Dr. med. Otto Sperlings selvbiografi (1602 – 1673)
George the Third, His Court and Family. Volume 2
George the Third, His Court and Family. Volume 1
Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de la campagne de 1814. Marche de l’armée de Silésie sur Château-Thierry et Meaux.-Prise de Châlons et de Vitry.- Combat de La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
Showing 1789–1800 of 3667 results