Showing 5785–5796 of 6171 results
The Voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to the East Indies. The first book, containing his description of the East. In two volumes. Volume 2
The Voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to the East Indies. The first book, containing his description of the East. In two volumes. Volume 1
The Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque, Second Viceroy of India. Translated, with notes and an introduction, by Walter de Gray Birch. Volume 4
The Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque, Second Viceroy of India. Translated, with notes and an introduction, by Walter de Gray Birch. Volume 3
The Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque, Second Viceroy of India. Translated, with notes and an introduction, by Walter de Gray Birch. Volume 2
The Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque, Second Viceroy of India. Translated, with notes and an introduction, by Walter de Gray Birch. Volume 1
Diary of Richard Cocks, Cape-merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-1622: with Correspondence. Volume 2
Diary of Richard Cocks, Cape-merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-1622: with Correspondence. Volume 1
Иконография Богоматери. Том 2. Часть 2
Annales du Musée et de l’École Moderne des Beaux-Arts ou Recueil complet de gravures. École Française moderne. Sculpture. Tome 2
The Book of the Kings of Egypt. Volume 2. Dynasties XX-XXX
The Book of the Kings of Egypt. Volume 1. Dynasties I-XIX
Showing 5785–5796 of 6171 results