
Life in Victoria. Or, Victoria in 1853, and Victoria in 1858, Showing the March of Improvement Made by the Colony within Those Periods, in Town and Country, Cities and Diggings. Volume 1

A Voyage to Australia & New Zealand. Including a Visit to Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Hunter’s River, Newcastle, Maitland, and Auckland

New Zealand and Its Colonization.

Explorations in Australia

China, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, in the Years 1855-56

A History of New South Wales, from Its Settlement to the Close of the Year 1844. Volume 2

A History of New South Wales, from Its Settlement to the Close of the Year 1844. Volume 1

New Guinea and Polynesia. Discoveries and Surveys in New Guinea and the D’Entrecasteaux Islands: a Cruise in Polynesia and Visits to the Pearl-shelling Stations in Torres Straits of H.M.S. Basilisk

South Australia; Its Advantages and Its Resources. Being a description of that colony, and a manual of information for emigrants

Excursions in New South Wales, Western Australia, and Van Dieman’s Land, during the Years 1830, 1831, 1832, and 1833

Kangaroo Land

A Sketch of New South Wales
Showing 49–60 of 79 results