
Memorials of Millbank, and Chapters in Prison History. In Two Volumes. With Illustrations by R. Goff and the Author. Volume 2

Memorials of Millbank, and Chapters in Prison History. In Two Volumes. With Ilustrations by R. Goff and the Author. Volume 1

Through New Guinea and the Cannibal Countries

Across Papua. Being an Account of a Voyage round, and a March across, the Territory of Papua, with the Royal Commission

The Western Pacific and New Guinea. Notes on the Natives, Christian and Cannibal, with Some Account of the Old Labour Trade

A Yachting Cruise in the South Seas

Six Years’ Residence in the Australian Provinces, Ending in 1839. [
] With an Account of New Zealand

Neu-Seeland und die übrigen Inseln der Südsee. Geschichte der Entdeckungsreisen und der Kolonisation Polynesiens. Leben in der Wildniß und in den Städten der Kultur auf den Australischen Inseln

Voyages aux îles du Grand océan. Contenant des documens nouveaux sur la géographie physique et politique, la langue, la littérature, la religion, les moeurs, les usages et les coutumes de leurs habitans; etc. Tome 1

Ethnological Notes on the Aboriginal Tribes of New South Wales and Victoria

The Euahlayi Tribe. A Study of Aboriginal Life in Australia. With an Introduction by Andrew Lang

Eaglehawk and Crow. A Study of the Australian Aborigines Including an Inquiry into Their Origin and a Survey of Australian Languages
Showing 1–12 of 79 results