
India under British Rule from the Foundation of the East India Company

The Break-up of China, with an Account of Its Present Commerce, Currency, Waterways, Armies, Railways, Politics, and Future Prospects

Mountaineering and Exploration in the Japanese Alps

With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple. Narrative of four years’ residence on the Tibetan border, and of a journey into the far interior

Western Himalaya and Tibet. A narrative of a journey through the mountains of Northern India, during the years 1847-8

The Journey of Augustus Raymond Margary, from Shanghae to Bhamo, and Back to Manwyne. From his journals and letters, with a brief biographical preface: to which is added a concluding chapter, by Sir Rutherford Alcock

From Calcutta to Pekin. Being notes taken from the journal of an officer between those places

The Adventures of a Lady in Tartary, Thibet, China, & Kashmir. With an Account of the Journey from the Punjab to Bombay Overland. Volume 3

The Adventures of a Lady in Tartary, Thibet, China, & Kashmir. With an Account of the Journey from the Punjab to Bombay Overland. Volume 2

The Adventures of a Lady in Tartary, Thibet, China, & Kashmir. With an Account of the Journey from the Punjab to Bombay Overland. Volume 1

The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, Kt., Which Treateth of the Way to Hierusalem; and of Marvayles of Inde, with Other Ilands and Countryes. With an introduction, additional notes, and glossary, by J. O. Halliwell

The Sikhs and Afghans, in Connexion with India and Persia, Immediately before and after the Death of Ranjeet Singh. From the Journal of an Expedition to Kabul, through the Panjab and the Khaibar Pass
Showing 1141–1152 of 1233 results