
A Memoir of Central India, Including Malwa, and Adjoining Provinces. With the History, and Copious Illustrations, of the Past and Present Condition of That Country. Volume 2

Account of Koonawur, in the Himalaya. Edited by George Lloyd

Kashgaria: Eastern or Chinese Turkistan. Historical and Geographical Sketch of the Country; its Military Strength, Industries, and Trade

La campagne de Chine; ou Six mois avec l’ExpĂ©dition Anglaise

Journal of a Voyage, in 1811 and 1812, to Madras and China. Returning by the cape of Good Hope and St. Helena; in the H. C. S. the Hope, Capt. James Pendergrass

Journey to Ararat

The Historical Geography of Asia Minor

Delhi-1857. The Siege, Assault, and Capture as Given in the Diary and Correspondence of the Late Colonel Keith Young, C.B., Judge-Advocate General, Bengal

The Rival Powers in Central Asia. Or, The Struggle between England and Russia in the East.Tr. from the German by Arthur Baring Brabant

Incidents of Travel in the Russian and Turkish Empires. Volume 1

Personal Narrative of Occurrences during Lord Elgin’s Second Embassy to China in 1860

Bombay, 1885 to 1890. A Study in Indian Administration
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