Showing 577–588 of 1233 results
History of the War in Afghanistan. In three volumes. Volume 1
Instituts politiques et militaires de Tamerlan, proprement appellé Timour. Écrits par lui-même en Mongol et traduits en françois, avec la vie de conquérant, … des notes et des tables par L. Langlès
Russian Central Asia, Including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv. Volume 2
Russian Central Asia, Including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv. Volume 1
Retraite et destruction de l’armee anglaise dans l’Afghanistan en janvier 1842
Travels through Part of Europe, Asia Minor, the Islands of the Archipelago; Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Mount Sinai. Giving a Particular Account of the Most Remarkable Places, Structures, Ruins, Inscriptions, &c. in These Countries. Volume 1
La cité chinoise
A Short History of India and of the Frontier States of Afghanistan, Nipal, and Burma
History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th Century. Part 2. The So-Called Tartars of Russia and Central Asia. Division 2
History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th Century. Part 2. The So-Called Tartars of Russia and Central Asia. Division 1
Showing 577–588 of 1233 results