
Gützlaff’s Geschichte des chinesischen Reiches von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf den Frieden von Nanking. Herausgegeben von Karl Friedrich Neumann

La Cochinchine et le Tonquin. Le pays, l’histoire et les missions

France et Chine. Vie publique et privée des Chinois anciens et modernes. Passé et avenir de la France dans l’Extrême Orient. Tome 2

France et Chine. Vie publique et privée des Chinois anciens et modernes. Passé et avenir de la France dans l’Extrême Orient. Tome 1

Kalhana’s Rajatarangini. A Chronicle of the Kings of Kasmir. Translated, with an Introduction, Commentary, and Appendices, by M. A. Stein. Volume 2. Book VIII. Notes. Geographical Memoir. Index. Maps

Kalhana’s Rajatarangini. A Chronicle of the Kings of Kasmir. Translated, with an Introduction, Commentary, and Appendices, by M. A. Stein. Volume 1. Introduction. Books I – VII

Japan in World Politics. A study in international dynamics

Tibet and Nepal. Painted and described by A. Henry Savage Landor

Through Town and Jungle. Fourteen thousand miles a-wheel among the temples and people of the Indian Plain

Lhasa. An Account of the Country and People of Central Tibet and of the Progress of the Mission Sent There by the English Government in the Year 1903-4. Written, with the Help of All the Principal Persons of the Mission. Volume 2

Lhasa. An Account of the Country and People of Central Tibet and of the Progress of the Mission Sent There by the English Government in the Year 1903-4. Written, with the Help of All the Principal Persons of the Mission. Volume 1

Tibet, the Mysterious. With maps, diagrams, and other illustrations. And with map by W. & A. K. Johnston
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