
Mémoire sur la conquête de la Syrie. (Mémoires d’histoire et de géographie orientales. No 2)

Mémoire sur les Carmathes du Bahraïn et les Fatimides. (Mémoires d’histoire et de géographie orientales. No 1)

Narrative of a Voyage Round the World Performed in Her Majesty’s Ship Sulphur during the Years 1836 – 1842. Including Details of the Naval Operations in China from Dec. 1840 to Nov. 1841. In Two Volumes. Volume 2

Narrative of a Voyage Round the World Performed in Her Majesty’s Ship Sulphur during the Years 1836 – 1842. Including Details of the Naval Operations in China from Dec. 1840 to Nov. 1841. In Two Volumes. Volume 1

Raccolta di viaggi dalla scoperta del nuovo continente fino a’ dì nostri. Compilata da F. C. Marmocchi. Tomo 7. Viaggi di Alessandro Burnes. Parte 1

Raccolta di viaggi dalla scoperta del nuovo continente fino a’ dì nostri. Compilata da F. C. Marmocchi. Tomo 6. Viaggio in Cina pell’ Atlantico il mare delle Indie, le isole della Sonda e le Filippine

Geschichte der Chane der Krim unter osmanischer Herrschaft. Aus türkischen Quellen zusammengetragen mit der Zugabe eines Gasels Schahingerai’s von Hammer-Purgstall

St. Petersburgh, Constantinople, and Napoli di Romania, in 1833 and 1834. A Characteristic Picture, Drawn during a Residence There. In two volumes. Volume 2

St. Petersburgh, Constantinople, and Napoli di Romania, in 1833 and 1834. A Characteristic Picture, Drawn during a Residence There. In two volumes. Volume 1

Voyages dans l’Inde et en Perse

Our First Ambassador to China: an Account of the Life of George, Earl of Macartney. With Extracts from His Letters, and the Narrative of His Experiences in China, as Told by Himself. 1737-1806

The Capital of the Tycoon. A Narrative of a Three Years’ Residence in Japan. In Two Volumes. Volume 2
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