
Travels on Horseback in Mantchu Tartary. Being a Summer’s Ride beyond the Great Wall of China

Journal of a Residence in the Burmhan Empire, and More Particularly at the Court of Amarapoorah

A Ride to India across Persia and Baluchistán. With Illustrations by Herbert Walker

Sketches of Persia. From the Journals of a Traveller in the East: In Two Volumes. Volume 2

Turkey, Russia, the Black Sea, and Circassia

Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia, and Koordistan, in the Years 1813 and 1814. With Remarks on the Marches of Alexander, and Retreat of the Ten Thousand

Treaties between the Empire of China and Foreign Powers. Together with Regulations for the Conduct of Foreign Trade, Conventions, Agreements, Regulations, etc., the Peace Protocol of 1901 and the Commercial Treaty of 1902. Edited by William Frederick Maye

A Century of Protestant Missions in China (1807-1907). Being the Centenary Conference Historical Volume. Edited by D. McGillivray

Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan. With Historical Notices of the Countries Lying between Russia and India. Translated from the Original Unpublished Manuscript by William Jesse

Voyages et missions du père Alexandre de Rhodes de la Compagnie de Jésus, en la Chine et autres royaumes de l’Orient

Travels and Adventures in the Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea. With an Appendix, Containing Short Notices on the Geology and Commerce of Persia

Journal of the Proceedings of the Late Embassy to China. Comprising a Correct Narrative of the Public Transactions of the Embassy, of the Voyage to and from China, and of the Journey from the Mouth of the Pei-Ho to the Return to Canton
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