Showing 13–24 of 145 results
Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 2. Parte 1
Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 1. Parte 2
Guida per la città di Venezia all’amico delle belle arti. Tomo 1. Parte 1
The Principles of Architectural Perspective. Prepared Chiefly for the Use of Students ; with Chapters on Isometric Drawings and the Preparation of Finished Perspectives
Trattato delle Piante & Immagini de Sacri Edifizi di Terra Santa. Disegnate in Ierusalemme secondo le regole della Prospettiua, & uera misura della lor grandezza
A Rudimentary and Practical Treatise on Perspective for Beginners. Simplified for the Use of Juvenile Students and Amateurs in Architecture, Painting, etc.; also Adapted for Schools and Private Instructors
The Illustrated London Architectural, Engineering, & Mechanical Drawing-Book. For the Use of Schools, Students, and Artisans
The Restoration of York Minster, the Metropolitical Church of the Province of York. Eighth Occasional Paper. June, 1905
Restoration of York Minster, the Metropolitical Church of the Province of York. Seventh Occasional Paper. March, 1904
Restoration of York Minster, the Metropolitical Church of the Province of York. Sixth Occasional Paper. August, 1903
York Minster Restoration. Completion of the North-West Tower. Fifth Occasional Report. January, 1903
York Minster Restoration. Fourth Occasional Report of Contributions and Work. September, 1902
Showing 13–24 of 145 results